Monday, June 11, 2012

Preview of Dick B. Interview of Tuchy Palmieri Tomorrow

Following is a Preview of Dick B.’s Interview Tomorrow of
Carl “Tuchy” Palmieri
By Dick B.
Carl "Tuchy" Palmieri is a recovered Christian believer and leader from Connecticut. He stands out as a man dedicated to bringing back to A.A., alcoholics and addicts, as well as all who rely on God for help the important literature early A.A. members read to grow in their spiritual walk away from their malady and toward God.
Tuchy is the author of many books, but his devotion includes selecting some of the top Oxford Group and Rev. Samuel M. Shoemaker books that inspired early AAs spiritually and actually fed some of their very words and language into A.A. literature and the 12 Steps of recovery,
Tuchy will provide a little of his family, educational, business, religious, and alcoholism background; then tell how he became interested in publishing books; then tell how and why he reprinted and published on so many Christian oriented books relevant to Alcoholics Anonymous and its Steps. He'll tell us his future plans as well.
Some reprinted books & commentary are::When Man Listens by Cecil Rose, Twice Born Men by Harold Begbie, Life Changers by Begbie, Life Began Yesterday by Stephen Foot, and Shoemaker's Children of the Second Birth, Twice-Born Ministers, and With the Holy Spirit and With Fire.
Readers will find themselves thanking Tuchy Palmieri for his perception of the importance of A.A.'s real Oxford Group Connection, the special role of A.A. "Cofounder" Rev. Samuel M. Shoemaker, Jr., and the special role these played in spawning A.A.'s Eleventh Step--based on the long Christian tradition of a morning Quiet Time with God--involving the Bible, prayer, seeking God's guidance, and writing down the messages revealed by the meditator

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