Thursday, June 16, 2011

Growing Number of Maui Leaders in Christian Recovery

For about a month, there have been frequent meetings among a number of long-sober, experienced Maui Christian recovery leaders (which include two Maui pastors)and an ordained minister who has long worked on the history of the Christian Recovery Movement and its applicability in present day fellowships, treatment programs, counseling, and church efforts. The meetings have taken place at the newly opened office of the International Christian Recovery Coalition located at the Salvation Army building in Kihei, Maui. They have also taken place at the Mana Kai Resort in Kihei, at Ruby's Restaurant in Kahului, at Neighborhood Place of Wailuku, and at the homes and groups with which the leaders are affiliated.

Headed by A.A. Historian and writer Dick B., Executive Director of the International Christian Recovery Coalition (, these leaders have met together quite regularly in small groups. The International Christian Recovery Coalition is partnering with the County of Maui Salvation Army in the bid to present Christian recovery, Christian recovery resources, and and treatment resource options to the growing body of alcoholics, addicts, and those who have been hurt or damaged by the ravages of alcoholism and addiction.

Among the immediate actions planned are these: (1) A small conference of Maui Christian recovery leaders and those in the community who wish to take immediate action to let the afflicted and the affected know the resources available right now that make God's help available to them. (2) Continuing dissemination of the whole history of the Christian Recovery Movement. This includes the six major Christian groups and organizations beginning in 1850 who were able to convert thousands and thousands and bring God's power, healing, love, forgiveness, and guidance to those suffering from alcoholism and addictions. (3) Continuing dissemination of accurate information about the Christian upbringing of both Alcoholics Anonymous Cofounders as youngsters in Vermont, and about the impact on them of the earlier successful Christian efforts. (4) Continuing dissemination of accurate information on the origins, history, founding, original program, and high success rate among the original A.A. members of the Akron Christian Fellowship founded by Bill W. and Dr. Bob in Akron in June of 1935. (5) Continuing dissemination of accurate information on how the first three AAs got sober by turning to God for help and studying the Bible to develop the basic ideas of early A.A. (often called "old school" A.A.).
(6) Continuing dissemination of accurate information about the 7 principles and 14 practices of the original AAs in their Christian Fellowship in Akron. (7) Continuing discussion and active development of the applicability of the original, highly successful program, in helping AAs, NAs, families and others today.

The particular areas of focus will be on Maui Veterans, Maui Homeless, Maui folks just released from prison, and all in transition from the curses of substance abuse to an abundant life in which God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible can play a major role, as they did in the recovery movement from the 1850's to 1939 - when the A.A. Twelve Step program was published and adopted. It will have equal focus on any and all seeking help in Twelve Step Fellowships, Christian Recovery groups and meetings, Believers study meetings, treatment, counseling, discipling, and detox.
The effort has been called "A.A. friendly, Bible friendly, Recovery friendly, Church friendly, and newcomer friendly." It will use A.A.s early Christian Fellowship success to offer an option to all the friends who really want God's help and work for it.

Leaders who are already experienced, long sober, devoted Christians will each focus on their own segments and areas of experience and expertise in the whole recovery arena. Some work with prison ministry. Some work with veterans. Some work with homeless. Some work with those in transition. And many work with families and others impacted by substance abuse. Some work through fellowships like A.A. Some work through Believer study groups. Some work through neighborhood assistance for women, families, and those in need of treatment and detoxifcation facilities. And some work in existing Christian fellowships and Bible study groups.

The unique all-Maui approach will, on an Island-wide basis, show to the Island Community the many virtually unknown but existing Christian recovery resources on Maui; the potential for church and social agency involvement; and the offer of God's help as a long-successful option for those who want diligently to seek it, maintain it, and in turn serve God and others by encouraging them to do likewise.

The cadre of leaders is growing each day, and their specific names and contributions will be made when a substantial group is constituted and ready to roll out the planned approaches.

God Bless, Dick B.;

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